Evaluating Your SEO Strategy

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SEO StrategyJanuary is a great time to talk about goals. It’s a new year and a chance to evaluate and improve your marketing and SEO strategy. You can start by asking yourself this question: What is the goal of my website? Is it to sell a product, find leads, increase awareness, bring people into your physical location, or is there more than one goal? The goal of your website is the cornerstone for your digital marketing strategy and should be clearly defined.

Tracking Website Goals

After you figure out what your goal is you need a way to track your progress. Set up a Google Analytics account and filter out your company IP addresses. Google Analytics is the hub that you’ll use to monitor all of your digital marketing efforts. For a free tool Google Analytics provides a robust amount of reliable information into your website traffic.

Support your goal with SEO

Now that you’ve clearly defined your goal and have a way to track your progress it’s time to start evaluating your website in terms of your goal. Do you have enough evergreen, brand, and industry content around your product or service? SEO has been moving in the direction of better content for a few years now. SEO is no longer a set of black hat tricks that can send you to the top of the search engine results page (SERP). It’s a well researched and planned strategy that will benefit you and your customers in the long run. Lets take a look at the changes to Google’s algorithm in 2013 alone.

2013 Google Algorithm Changes

January –  Panda #24
March – Panda #25
May – Phantom, Domain Crowding, Penguin 2.0
June – Payday Loan, Panda Dance, Multi Week Update
July – Panda Recovery, Knowledge Graph Expansion
September – Hummingbird

SEO Quick Start Package

Getting started on improving your website and SEO strategy can be a daunting task. There are so many things to consider and evaluate and Google is constantly changing their algorithm. Thats why we offer our SEO Quick Start Package. Our package is designed to quickly get you on the road to a better website.

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