Red Argyle Follows the Salesforce to Pledge 1% in 2020

Red Argyle Logo without name
Red Argyle logo

As we discussed in the Giving Tuesday post, Red Argyle’s commitment to Pledge 1% began in 2013 with a donation of 1% of our profits, and we have since expanded to include 1% donations of our services and time.

Each year, Red Argyle provides 24 volunteer hours to employees. 2020 was difficult to make that happen. But we were able to volunteer at Foodlink and polling stations late in the year. Compared to prior years, volunteering was low. But, through the lens of a pandemic, Argylers’ commitment to our communities was no less. We just did it differently than we had historically – a theme for 2020! We encouraged monetary donations by offering our first ever matching program, and the response was positive. After the pandemic is over, Argylers will again move out into our communities to help where we can.

Argylers donating time to Foodlink NY.
(From left to right: Elizabeth Renshaw, (Finance and IT Specialist), Rebecca Patros (Finance and Argyler Ops Manager), Danielle Fanto (Argyler Ops Coordinator)

When we donate our products, we donate our work! In 2020, Red Argyle donated our work to Habitat for Humanity of Ontario County NY. We donated our time to build for them in 2018 and 2019. After swinging hammers at a local house, we swung our keyboards at Donor Management system on the Salesforce Platform for them. We are actively pursuing ways to support complex, custom, and weird projects in the Nonprofit sector.

Sasquatch Socks, the women of Red Argyle, are scheming to see where we can help as well. We are considering a relay to raise money for a NFP that supports girls in programming. Be on the lookout for hairy pink wookie socks in future posts. 

Argyler Ops hopes to focus on Red Argyle pledging 1% each quarter beginning in 2021. Our goal is to support all the communities Argylers live in through donations of time or money. We live in more places than just New York! We are in Michigan, Florida, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Vermont! That’s a lot of communities and a lot of charitable organizations we can support! In 2021, our many Argylers are excited to act as a force for good, in a complex, custom, and weird way to support our communities.

Red Argyle logo
Red Argyle logo

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