All Kinds of Kinds: Welcoming the Salesforce Spring ‘20 Release

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We hope everyone is loving the new features and updates in this season’s Salesforce Release! If you aren’t caught up already, make sure you check out Red Argyle’s take on this season’s updates. 

We know there are a lot of people looking at these releases. With that, there are all kinds of reasons why people are coming to see the release notes. A lot of these differences are related to your role. Since these changes affect everyone differently, Red Argyle wanted to go in-depth about the main takeaways for the different roles who may be affected: Consultants/Admins/Business Professionals and Development Professionals.

Here is our take!

We know these updates are exciting which is why we want you to make the most of them. We hope these articles are able to help. 

Want more information? Contact us!

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