Salesforce Security Health Check – Cooking with Red

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You know that feeling after you’ve just eaten a huge meal? That “I’m stuffed, and we didn’t even eat half of the food,” feeling? You know what the best part about that feeling is? There’s leftovers in the fridge. And that sandwich or mixed salad or whatever you do to make your leftovers hit just right, can be even better than the original meal. In a different, bit nerdier way, the security in your Salesforce org can be a lot like that. 

If you tuned into our previous Cooking With Red conversations, you got the full, original meal. In other words, you got the org setup. As well as a lot of the intricacies of how Salesforce can help your org, help your business prosper. Now, we get to see what’s left from the second “leftover” edition from Cooking with Red. The first episode reviews Salesforce Optimizer, and can be found by clicking on the hyperlink. As you’ll see in this next video, Aniela Wolkonowski, one of our configurators, puts it best by saying, “We’re pulling out the leftovers, we’re seeing what we’ve got. We’re throwing out what’s bad, we’re keeping what’s good, and we’re making a gourmet meal.”

In this case, we are going to be talking about one of the most important but sometimes overlooked parts of your org, security. Although it often sounds a bit overwhelming, Salesforce makes it easy to run security health checks. As well as establish what could be improved in your org, and helps you take easy steps to help you fix it. All of which we discuss in this short video.

Salesforce Security

Want more?

Check out our Cooking with Red series on YouTube for more quick tips on how to best interact with your Salesforce instance.

Need more information on how to optimize your Salesforce Org? Contact us!

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